City Phychiatrist

City Psychiatrist A participative performance framed as a therapy session for the city in public spaces. People passing by were invited to help build healthier and friendlier places for the future, by speaking to Dr Mellinger, for and about the city they live in. The piece was supported by and part of Bristol’s Festival of […]

The Departed

The Departed The Departed was an interactive digital media installation in the form of a digital seance initially conceived by Sarah Selby, Tim Kindberg, and Yiota Demetriou, and later undertaken by Tim and Sarah for the tech art festival Control Shift Network in Sept 2020.  Lockdown has disembodied us from the physical. We are super-virtual […]

What gives us goosebumps?

Expanded Consciousness // NeuroStorytelling What gives us goosebumps? is an Arts Council England funded project by multimedia artist Yiota Demetriou, that explores the use of Brain-Computer Interfaces in storytelling and wider performances practices.  Yiota is collaborating with NPO Media Literacy Lab, Media What? during on online micro-residency at MakerSpace in Cyprus. Together, they are exploring the […]

Performance Art Photography

Performance Art Photography Tempting Failure, Audience, 2015, Photo by Yiota Demetriou Artist FK Alexander performing ‘self portrait action 5’ at Tempting Failure’s (2015) SILENT NOISE DIVE, Latitude Festival, photo by Yiota Demetriou Artist FK Alexander performing ‘self portrait action 5’ at Tempting Failure’s (2015) SILENT NOISE DIVE, Latitude Festival, photo by Yiota Demetriou Artists Ernst […]

Love Letters

Love Letters, by Yiota Demetriou (2012 -), image by Paul Blakemore © Watershed 2018

Love Letters is a performance project in the form of an installation of letters, initially conceived by multimedia artist Yiota Demetriou. From being re-performed, the current love letters collection holds more than 350 audience letters. Past audiences’ letters are reactivated in each performance, and new love letters are written and added to the collection.

To You: An Intimate Reading Experience

I recently launched a heat-sensitive and touch-sensitive paper-based book about love. To You, is an intimate reading experience that can only be read when warmed by human touch.